Monday, July 2, 2012

Our (Almost) Farm!

I didn't set out thinking I wanted to garden or have animals or anything else like that.  I just wanted a nice house to raise my kids.  Then I started reading about homesteading.  The first "magazine" I read was New Harvest Homestead.  I loved reading the articles about homesteading and being more self-sufficient, and doing all the things my grandmother did!  So, the first thing I did was make strawberry jelly.  Everybody loved it?  That was probably a good 3 or 4 years ago, and everybody still asks for it.  That gave me confidence, so I canned some apple pie filling.  That turned out good too.  I've also made crock pot applesauce and apple butter.  But NOW I've really gotten adventurous!  I ordered chickens!!  (Now, just so you know--we have NO animals--none!)  We got them about four weeks ago, and just moved them outside a week ago.  I think they're doing well, but I don't think my coop will actually hold all 14 when they're full-grown.  Oh well, live and learn!  Eventually, I plan on getting the older kids more involved, but for now, I go out and take care of them (with the help of my farmgirl, above--how do you like the boots with the swimsuit?  :)  ).  My husband has actually said that it makes him feel good that our land will be productive!  (I think he's just been humoring me when I said I wanted to get chickens.)  I guess we'll see how productive they are in a couple of months!  I have 3 Easter Eggers (I really like those because all three of them look different!), 3 Silver Laced Wyandottes, 4 Barred Rocks, and 4 Australorps.

 This post was shared at The Homestead Barn Hop@

Monday, February 6, 2012

Look What I Scored!!

My mom gave me an old box full of jars from my grandmother's garage about six months ago. Well, I finally went through it yesterday, and SCORE, they're all in great condition. The tops, of course, had to be thrown out--the dates were 1977! But the jars are beautiful--most have writing on the bottom, which none of my new ones do.
And one has a star on it!

I shared this post on the Homestead Barn Hop

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