Monday, February 6, 2012

Look What I Scored!!

My mom gave me an old box full of jars from my grandmother's garage about six months ago. Well, I finally went through it yesterday, and SCORE, they're all in great condition. The tops, of course, had to be thrown out--the dates were 1977! But the jars are beautiful--most have writing on the bottom, which none of my new ones do.
And one has a star on it!

I shared this post on the Homestead Barn Hop


  1. Thank you for visiting my blog! I love your 'find'! That is wonderfully useful :-). It's great to meet another mom of many. How old are your children? With comments that I always got out and about, saying I had my hands full, that is how I got my blog title. Having a full house is such a blessing. Lots of work, of course, but a blessing non the less :-)


    1. My oldest is 22, then 19, 15, 12, 10, 6, and 4. The youngest is our only girl!

  2. Good for you on the jars! I keep a watch for them at yard sales, thrift stores, etc...I do a lot of canning and every year I think I have enough until about October when the apples are finishing and I'm down to a very few jars.

    -Laura at TenThingsFarm

  3. Hand-me-down jars are such a treasure. There is so much love and history. My aunt gave me some jars last summer that were a mix of my grandmother's and great grandmother's. I can't wait to use them!

  4. I love glass jars too. I would love to use them outside in the summer with candles in them.
    I laughed at your profile...we have 6 GIRLS! And 2 boys....=)

    1. That's great! I'm hoping to add atleast one more before time catches up with me!!


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